
The attitude of a successful salesperson

The attitude of a successful salesperson

1. Their attitude
2. The attitude of the marketing work
3. The attitude of the head
4. The attitude of the company
5. Attitudes toward the product
6. On the attitude of the future of

This six kinds of attitude, I believe that in fact refers to the six areas. Here, talk about their own understanding of this issue.

First of all, a good attitude is only one, is positive. Successful salesperson should be run through all aspects of the work of Tai Du positive, even in life is also such a positive attitude should be maintained. According to this core, and then go to "successful salesman of six kinds of attitude", Mei attitude (side) are positive in attitude is the embodiment of Huozhe Caozuozhidao. And then spread out from this logic to send, you can not simply of compliance on 文 描述 6 in the whole attitude, but actively take the initiative to take all you can take the approach, to Huodegongzuo of success.

Second, a positive attitude is a long-term sales staff need to adhere to a basic quality. It can be carried out in all aspects of the quality of sales personnel, such as self-confidence, courage, affinity, etc.. Only by adhering to a positive attitude, can be achieved to improve all aspects of

Canadian school children self-confidence(二)

Music class, which the instrument also allows children to play. And, for the good performance of the child, but also to the point of encouragement. These will let the children feel good!

All above activities are your child feel important, respected, there are stronger than others or not the same place, the training course on self-confidence is very good. The school's various performances and activities, such as the most important Christmas performances (primary school Christmas show in Canada), are all students, performers are divided into two days of too many performances; school sports, but for all students to participate Mixed year for the team, all the points race and count only the team's performance, the last representative of every child can get a victory medal. There are no bad students, not only see other people performing students, the children will not feel better than others!

In addition to these schools, classes in various activities, there are two other schools to help children improve self-confidence of the unique skills: Buddy and teaching mixed classes. Buddy, similar to our Chinese people say one of the pair to form a band: a high-grade child to be a low-grade child's Buddy, give help in various aspects, the school has arranged with fixed and Buddy participate in activities, including reading and do crafts. This large children develop self-confidence, responsibility, leadership is very good, children will have to rely on feel, reduced arrives in a new environment of fear.

Mixed class teaching is another way to develop confidence. School, the teacher never said anything to be mixed according to class, many Chinese parents speculation is based on academic performance, but according to my observation, it seems that the child's personality, confidence, leadership and so on, is the main consideration. In second grade, I treasure the class large, some children, including Anne himself, entered the second and third year of mixed classes, some into the first and second year of mixed classes, some are not mixed classes. According to my understanding of these children of their like cheerful self-confidence, like most of the leading children into the mix and high-grade classes; and those are somewhat quiet and shy child, including a large treasure in three years of white friends, into the the first and second grade mixed class. For the third year following a child, one-year-old gap is enormous. The results of this placement, so I have to wonder, to let the child within a more self-confident leadership, led the children to enjoy exercise as the capacity of a qualified team members.

In addition to classroom activities to foster and nurture a child's confidence away, school kids will also organize various forms of marketing activities - of course these are for younger children need parental assistance. I used the Bowen Canada: Parents should volunteer in the schools mentioned, there are a lot of fund-raising activities in schools. Many of them are for kids whereabouts of their relatives, neighbors, etc. to promote their products and vouchers. Before my daughter back to these products, we are to buy their own number, and then cross their daughters to school, to prevent her daughter did not feel like a sell no face. But relatives of the children last year of primary school students here for one year's experience (see primary school students studying in Canada successfully applied experience), so I have a deeper understanding of the matter.

The child is in grade 7, grade of primary. Just before graduation, the class organized a number of outside activities, funds are required, so classmates began to sell chocolate. I think that is us up to ask if run into a few friends is enough, this kind of thing the school has always asked not to be able to sell to strangers, not to knock the other families. Do not eat dinner that night, the boy told me that he brought back five boxes have been sold four boxes of the (left box he has opened himself eaten), I really surprised! Quickly asked him sell it to, and how to sell. He said that is sold to the administrator and the swimming pool downstairs which often meet some foreigners! Had he asked a few foreigners, without exception, to buy, and no change for change's also not! The next day he brought back five boxes, the results in our building has sold. Later, I met a friend bought a white chocolate, and his chat that he himself does not eat chocolate, and other grandchildren to buy a home when they ate them (he retired, has lived alone). He said the children sell, for a reason, buy a box of chocolates for us nothing, but the children's self-confidence and ability with people, a lot of good!

While my daughter to participate in this year's Scout cookies from sales experience, let me have the same feeling after the details of specific processes. These kind of ordinary people, all of the training activities of their children with people the confidence to give a great help.

Halloween, the kids have to fight for sugar is the same reason (see how the Feng Wan Vancouver Halloween's). The number of our Chinese children, most adults are encouraged to start the sound, three steps back timidly to fight, after the success of blooming beautiful smile, and confidence that the final adult that still does not want to go home back? These successful experiences, they unwittingly increase the child's self-confidence.

Schools, parents, social co-operation from all aspects of the child's strengths and to explore the opportunity and affirmative Jiyuzhanshi, create Tiaojian to Haizi become aware of to feel respected, feel Ziji Nenggouzhudao be successful in a number of things Bingju Manzu. The establishment of confidence, not by verbal praise and appreciation, but depends on the personal involvement of children and experience and sense of achievement. This experience is multi-angle, multi-level, rather than just focus on one point up evaluation, and this is the kids can always find a reason for confidence now!

Canadian school children self-confidence(一)

Many people say that foreigners are always self-confident. Until we live in Vancouver for several years, and their daughters to school two years before we really understand why. Self-confidence is not innate, but school, family, social co-culture results.

In schools, teachers, principals and other respect each child's personality, and give every child the opportunity to feel valued, being needed, feeling better than other people. The teacher's eyes, not good students and bad students, only then the special, a personalized student. Relatives of the children here to study, do not want to go back, I asked him what good news here. He said that the teacher is respect for the students.

The daughter Kindergarten (preschool), when the class system introduced Jewel of the Day is a day by a child as the star of the day: day wear small red chest; go to the library, physical education teacher, a music room, line up in a home; teacher stories, reading teacher sitting next to a small chair (all the other kids are sitting on the ground); activities to help teachers to do all the work, need help, can have a selection of helper; parents give their children to wear beautiful clothes, the children go, people to see a small red flower should congratulate some praise. The glory of children are feeling very, very much felt by the attention my daughter for several days in advance on the penultimate day, a few days to turn her Jewel of the Day, and then, people were told early in the morning to get up on the excitement We, and all actions neat wash brush, wait, went to school!

In the first year and now the second grade class are implemented in the Special Helper (should not have children as a reference to the "official"), is also a children rotation, content, and Kindergarten in front of the Jewel of the Day when almost, only grades higher, Special Helper priority areas for more, can do more, and such a day to do Calender announced on that day is the number of school since the School Day, the day's date, week, weather.

In first grade, teachers are still the class Play Sharing (students how to develop a speech in Canada eloquence), children first choose the right thing and are prepared to suggest, then one by one in Taiwan went to the disclosure prompted, select the hands of the children to guess, that Results ... Every child has a kind that they can lead this event, star-like feel. Second year of the Show and Tell (self-reference to a lively display of class), not only inherits all aspects of Play Sharing and children can choose their own subjects, his hands making himself the most good, the best things to show, Of course, the result is that all children get the teacher and other children's praise and even envy, pride, self-confidence rise at once! My daughter at the first Show and Tell class, showing a picture of the home, their "garden" of the picture, the teachers, the children of her paintings, beautiful gardens and so forth praise, she had to be proud of a the!

In addition to a Speical Helper day, the first grade teacher also introduced called "VIP" activities: one year for each child has a chance to do one day class VIP, teacher in class one week in advance and posted some pictures VIP introduction and so many days in advance to inform parents and the consultation arrangements for the day's special events - please parents and brothers and sisters to the scene and the child together about the wonderful stories of children grow up and share travel experiences or knowledge, talent show and photos, the teachers encourage children and parents with a number of Treat (candy, etc.) and children share, of course, to suspend the day's Special Helper, VIP to enjoy all of the Special Helper priority. Activities in the teacher will take pictures and hang washing out of some accompanied by instructions displayed outside the classroom. Children in this day foot off the star addiction, parents and siblings attended the child feel special honor, their expertise, talent show and class recognition are also to meet! We bomb the day my daughter to a Shougang melodies, although the music class, she often can give all children a bomb song, but the VIP Day specially prepared performances more exciting, bring the kids like the chocolate and lollipop are also all children are especially pleased!

Who is the workplace of the advanced lift?

Just work soon, and Westerners hotel owner went to Vancouver to meet the five sails, and our meeting is a practitioner in his 30 years of industry professional people, gray hair, earnest conversation, so I have respect for. Very pleasant meeting. But after I was in trouble - went to the elevator, gray hair man by the elevator, please go to my art. I think, with me, one is the boss, one for the elderly, how the wheel is not mine,. The two men can not even say with gestures, insisted that I advanced. I had misgivings in the first into the elevator, two feet go far very positive. A few seconds, I feel very long, because it does not know how to properly.

Even worse, that our task is to look at the field on behalf of clients in Asia offices, gray hair, who in turn should lead us to see three floors, mean and out of the door several times, taken several times into the elevator. Every time I went to the door are not natural, for many years develop the right leadership to respect the elderly used here do not know how to play. Therefore, an entire morning I was very uncomfortable - the lack of grasp of basic etiquette, I am depressed, even though it is not.

In the way back to the office, I could not help but ask the boss, who should be waitin on the circumstances of advanced elevator. According to him: "Ladies first" rule and rank, age, nothing. Lift out of order is usually: older women, young women, older men, younger men. At that time the boss said something interesting the words: "Although I'm the boss, but who also can not change the fact, I'm a man, you're a woman, you should naturally enjoy and accept this respect."

I just used to this rule a few days, but is overwhelmed by things encountered. This is the company of a delegation to discuss the project, work to eat meals together at noon, the elevator when I consciously or unconsciously, according to Chinese custom, to the Chinese delegation, Leaders, and he saw my older than his boss, the boss of me desperately advanced; and my boss then puzzled, I do not know the President of the guests advanced or advanced. Everyone in the elevator for a long time, finally I first walked into it, said, "I came by the lift."

In fact, we think carefully, who advanced the lift, even though he is small, behind the scenes there are many differences in culture and customs. Since ancient times, Chinese people respect authority, respect for elders, in this occasion to make sure that leadership and give priority to the elderly; and Ms. West has been a priority to develop the habit of deep-rooted, to rely on any elder bosses after, but also a car door for women, as women moved a chair to help women to wear coats of rules, "gentleman" demeanor about everything. In fact, these are no right or wrong can not be one rule better than the other, superior.

Therefore, companies working in Vancouver Tutsi, I am happy to enjoy a the "Ladies First"; if the return trip, Huozhe yes reception from the Mainland have client, I will not forget the Lingdao Rengran first Laoban first.

CEO faces new challenges in the globalization of the visual

The next 10 years, the climate or the environment, will be the biggest problem facing enterprises. In response, leaders must stand in the correct position - News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch; two trends really affect people's view of global development: economic recovery and climate change - China Mobile chairman Wang.

Five years ago, "sustainability" is just an academic air strong word, today it has become a corporate catchphrase. However, as the "globalization" as the word "sustainability" has not been well understood. CEO who define "sustainability", it is usually vague answer. BP has done many good things, also "low carbon" concept a sponsor, but only in April this year, oil spill, it almost forced a corner.

The recent reversal of capital flows may be! Daily updated hot Jiemi money! Would like to know the latest big single case? Under a hot plate will be? Out of office

Every time reading trade publications, you may find that any position in the emerging markets business will not be finished. As the recommendations aim at successful people, which is obviously wrong.

However, leaders must have global vision, and more to find out the problem. Lead a global organization, requires a lot of travel, many CEO of 40% to 50% of the time spent on the road. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt and controlled a "swing system", he "swing" to a country, stay there a week, to local customers, top managers and politicians speeches.

"Swing system" gave him the individual countries rather than a single company's perspective, let him understand the challenges of the market to test his vision, let him know how management is effective. General Electric's corporate philosophy is: CEO needs to travel around the world each year, and the people face to face communication, and then use the phone office.

You can not do hands-on, but you have to breathe the fresh air everywhere. This means that you fly to another country, must be effectively investigated, if you learned Mervyn Davies sleep on the plane's course, would be much easier to understand.

To get there, work quick enough. You must ensure that all intellectuals are able to understand from you, so you must be simple to communicate with them directly, you must be a clear demonstration of the roles and responsibilities. To how to motivate employees, build brand, comply with local laws and other details, leaving local leaders it!

With full spirit, the state of alert to enter other countries, just a good start. Got there, it is far from communication, language great benefit to you.哈里特格林 have a lecture in Finland, the official with the local accent about 16 minutes, she believed that the audience more easily understand what she meant.

In addition, CEO should make good use of new technologies and business communication in various sectors. The staff into the business is very important because we are fighting a war for talent. We need the best people in our work, and they can choose to work. I regularly use e-mail, DVD, podcasts, satellite radio, video-conferencing and communicate with our team in the world, inspected once every two years away, and businesses to contact each employee to ensure that important information will not be because of language barriers lost.

Do not think this is just the big courses. British Energy's former CEO Peter Huarui said: "The Board of Directors to implement the remote control - it is actually a virtual board of directors. To globalization, you do not have to run a big company, would top the team dispersed, even small companies can do to work efficiently. "

Enterprises more efficient than government

More than 10 million people worldwide living on less than £ 1 a day, few people know that in this respect can play much role.

The location of multinational companies, more convenient than the Government to take global action. They do not have the so-called national feeling, is not involved in the election frenzy. Salaried employees from the company, we should listen to the words of CEO - some words are not on the public and politicians said.

Castell, chairman of the Wellcome Foundation, stressed: "in resolving some of the issues the world, the company is more efficient than the politicians. Politicians are elected by national vote, the company is interested in the global success. The best CEO who can usually anticipate the company in the next 20 to 30 years, the impact on the world. "

Community Business Association, a British Prince Charles and CEO Stephen Howard-led sustainable development on the business forum, that the innovative capacity of enterprises, will be the key to the pursuit of sustainable development. Enterprises and their leaders in the community play an important role, not the government. Today, enterprises and their leaders have to cross national boundaries, administrative, term, short-attention-grabbing press releases, etc. to think about.

Globalization of business is not a problem, but solutions. The key point of sustainable development, not management, but the innovative capacity of enterprises. Entrepreneurship to solve the personnel problems and other difficulties the key. Many veterans agree with this view. Companies increasingly important role, because it is easier than politicians across national boundaries. Therefore, it is more need for the sustainable development strategy.

Companies are not all the problems the world is responsible for, nor the resources to solve all problems. But every company can determine the range of its especially good at solving social problems, and competing interests from the largest available. Through the creation of common values, to deal with social problems, will bring not rely on private or government-subsidized self-sustaining solutions. When a well-functioning enterprise will be its considerable resources, expertise and management personnel, for which the familiar and closely related issues, its social impact will be far more than others.

Sustainable Development and Resistance

Retail, energy companies and the aviation industry to prove these three battleground for many companies, corporate environmental management has been the development of solidarity and enterprise, is one of the main contents of business competition. Engineering consultant Arup (Arup) the sustainable management consultant Zhu Xixielifu Kandao, corporate environmental management has led to major corporations in the Zhong Shi, he believes, businesses reduce the carbon emissions of Nu Li Liang, is Xunsu improve the overall standard Shehui. As the retail industry, energy companies and the aviation industry is currently subject to frequent Guanzhu the Xingye environmentalists, 降低 carbon emissions levels will be very rapid Di as a transportation and information technology industries Zhuyao problem.

"Sustainable development has become a core business," Ami Branch Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. CEO 萨米尔布里科 said: "You have no choice, either like it or not. Sustainable development is the way to save the world - - unless the man to move to another planet. We must go out of the company, to society, to solve environmental problems. we who had to feel that they have unlimited resources to be seized. However, we found the last 20 years, environmental protection is not only a on the goodwill of mankind, but also the needs of human survival. "

In 1987 the United Nations Brundtland Commission report: "Sustainable means that not only satisfy current needs, without prejudice to the future, a number of generations to meet their needs." Today, the scientific evidence on climate change, has been widely accepted, it's fear has been breeding in the minds of consumers, based on this foundation, sustainability mainly by climate change to the decision. For some enterprises, particularly enterprises operating in developing countries, how to ensure long-term management qualification is the real cause for concern.

Energy companies on the sustainable development is highly sensitive, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker disaster, leading to 11 million gallons of oil leaked into the world's best natural scenery to protect one of the areas - Alaska. The accident is also notorious for the oil companies.

In pollution control, investment solar, wind, hydrogen and natural gas, BP is indeed a pioneer. The company develops bio-fuels, cleaner gasoline and lubricants, to reduce traffic impact on the environment. BP will set the basic principles of sustainable development, created two structures: one for the traditional growth and one for alternative energy sources. "If we have one less dependent on oil, sustainable development of the planet, countries could achieve sustainable equilibrium." Said the company's CEO.

However, BP has now become a sinner. British Petroleum senior staff, June 16 to the White House, and by the President on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, to start the first time face to face talks. Both sides confirmed that the British Petroleum agreed to invest 20 billion U.S. dollars set up a "third-party compensation to account." Obama said, "British Petroleum agreed to compensate the loss of Gulf Coast residents in the neighborhood, but not the final amount of 20 billion U.S. dollars."

U.S. Gulf of Mexico crude oil spill on June 23 this year, deteriorated again: the original point of the water used to control the leakage due to failure of the dismantled equipment to repair, rolling oil was partially suppressed in a few weeks later, again poured forth , continue to pollute waters of the Gulf of Mexico large. Oil spill, the British oil price continued to fall sharply, hit its lowest level since 1997, June 10, the standard will cut its stock rating to hold, sources said BP's North American operations are filing for bankruptcy protection to avoid the April 20 oil spill caused by large claims.

What is a private equity fund

The so-called private equity funds is through non-public way, a small number of institutional investors to raise funds for the fund established. As the private equity fund sales and redemption of all fund managers and investors through private consultations carried out, so it is called raising the funds to specific objects. And closed-end funds, open-ended funds, compared with government-raised funds, private equity has very distinct characteristics, it is also a public offering to fund these features can not compare. First, private equity funds raised through private means. In the U.S., mutual funds and pension funds-raised funds, usually through public media advertising to attract customers, according to relevant regulations, private equity is not to use the media to do any advertising, its participants, mainly through access to the so-called "investment reliable sources ", or direct knowledge in the form of fund managers to join. Second, raise the object, the object is only a small number of private equity investors in particular, the circle is small threshold is not low. In the United States, hedge funds have very strict on the participant states: If a personal capacity, the last two years personal annual income of at least 20 million or more; If the family name to participate in family income of at least the past two years 300 000 U.S. dollars; If the name of participating institutions, with a net worth of at least 100 million or more, but the number of participants also have corresponding limitations. Therefore, the private equity fund's investment objectives with highly targeted, it is more like the middle-class investors, investment services tailored products. Third, and government-raised funds strict information disclosure requirements are different, private equity funds are much lower this requirement, coupled with appropriate government regulation is also more relaxed, so private equity investments in more subtle, and more flexible operation, a corresponding high return greater revenue opportunities. In addition, private equity is characterized by a significant fund sponsors, investment managers must own fund management company, the success of the Fund's operation and is closely related to their own interests. From the perspective of international common practice now, fund managers generally hold the fund of 3% - 5% stake in the event of loss, management-owned shares will first be used to pay the participants, therefore, private equity fund sponsor , the manager and the fund is a mutual dependency, woe the interests of the community, which has to a certain extent, solved the public offering the interests of fund managers constraints inherent weakening of incentives is not enough and other defects.


Ten HR theory of lifelong

Ten HR theory of lifelong

1, Peter Principle
Each organization is different from the variety of positions, arranged by class or classes, each person belonging to one of these levels. Peter Principle is the American scholar Lawrence • Peter in the organization for promotion of related phenomena research, draw a conclusion: in a variety of organizations, employees always tend to be promoted to the status of their incompetence. Peter Principle is sometimes called the principle of the climb. This phenomenon is everywhere in real life: a competent, after a professor was promoted to university president, but not competent; a good athlete was promoted to director of sports officials, and doing nothing. An organization, once a considerable part of staff was pushed to the level of their incompetence, it will cause organizations overstaffed, inefficient, resulting in mediocre person to succeed in stagnation. Therefore, it requires a simple change in the basis of contribution to the employees taken a position that the promotion system and can not because someone in a very good job on the dry, this person will be able to infer higher-level job competence. To an employee promoted to a position can not play well, not only is not on my award, but it can not play very well, but also cause losses to the enterprise.

2, wine and water laws
Wine and water law is a key to a wine into a bucket of water, get a bucket of water; if a spoonful of sewage down the barrel of wine, or get a bucket of water. In any organization, there are several hard to get almost all of the characters, the purpose of their existence seems to get things wrong. Worst of all, they like fruit box of rotten apples, if not in time, it will quickly spread to other fruit box get rotten apples. Rotten apple's scariest aspect is that it was amazing destructive power. An honest and competent people into a chaotic department may be swallowed, but not before a non-German who can soon turn into a mess of a highly efficient department. Organizational systems are often fragile, is built on mutual understanding, compromise and tolerance based on, are easily violated, was poisoned. Another important destroyer of the extraordinary ability to reason is easier to destroy than to build. A skilled craftsman to spend time carefully crafted ceramics, a donkey out of a second can be destroyed. If an organization has such a donkey, even with more of the skilled craftsman, not how many decent work outcomes. If your organization has such a donkey, you should immediately get rid of it, if you are unable to do so, then it should be tied up.

3, barrel Law
Law is about a bucket a bucket can hold much water, it all depends on the shortest piece of wood it is. This means that any organization, could face a common problem, that constitute the organization is often the pros and cons of the various parts missing, but the decision is often inferior part of the whole organization level. Law and wine and water buckets of different laws, which discussed the organization of the destructive force, the shortest of the board is a useful part of the organization, but worse than other parts, you can not throw them as a rotten apple out. Strength is only relative, not eliminate, the problem is that you tolerate this kind of vulnerability to what extent, if serious enough to hinder the work of the bottleneck, you have to have action.

4, Matthew
"New Testament • Gospel of Matthew" in such a story: a long journey before the king, to the three servants, each one silver, and commanded Road: you do business, so I come back, come see me. King came back, the first servant said: master, you give me a silver, I have earned a 10. So, the king rewards him 10 cities. The second servant Report: master, you gave me a silver, I have earned a 5. So, the king rewards him five cities. The third servant reported that: the owner, you gave me a silver, I have been wrapped in hand-Parry, afraid of losing, has not been out. So the king ordered the servant of a third silver and rewarded the first servant, said: all small, even he has will be taken from him. Any more, even to him, called him the more the better, this is Matthew, the reaction of today's society, there is a common phenomenon, that winner takes all. On business development is concerned, Matthew tells us, in order to maintain the edge in one area, we must rapidly expand in this area. When you become a leader in the field, even when the same return on investment, you can more easily get more than their counterparts in small gains. But if there is no strength quickly in a big field, we must constantly look for new development areas in order to guarantee access to a better return.

5, zero-sum game theory
Zero-sum game is a game, the player wins or loses, the winning party is the party that lost the game's total score is always zero, zero-sum game principle reason for broad interest, mainly because people all aspects of society can be found with the zero-sum game similar situation, the glorious victor is often hidden behind the bitterness and the bitterness of failure. 20th century, mankind experienced two world wars, economic growth, technological progress, globalization and the growing environmental pollution, zero-sum game ideas are gradually being replaced by a win-win concept. People began to realize that Lee has not necessarily to establish the basis of the loss of people. Through effective cooperation happy ending is possible. But zero-sum game to win, asked to have all the spirit of sincere cooperation and courage, not to cooperate in the small smart, do not always want to account for other people's cheap, it is necessary to comply with rules of the game, or win-win situation can not occur, the final the expense of their own or partner.

6, Washington, co-laws
Washington law, said cooperation is a person through the motions, two people passing the buck, three people were never brought to fruition the day. Somewhat similar to the story of our three boys. Cooperation between people, not the simple sum of human, but much more complex and subtle. In this cooperation, the capacity of each individual are assumed to 1, then the results are sometimes 10 people in co-operation is much greater than 10, sometimes even much smaller than 1. Because people are not static objects, but rather the direction of different energy, promote each other, naturally more with less, contradict each other, then nothing. Our traditional management theory of collaborative research was not much, is reflected in the most intuitive, most of the current management system and behavior has been dedicated to Jianshao the unnecessary consumption of human rather than using Zuzhi enhancing human performance. In other words, we might say that the main purpose of the management not to make everyone better, but to avoid excessive internal friction.

7, watches Theorem
Watch Theorem is a man with one watch, you can know it is a few minutes, when he has two tables, but can not be determined. Two watches can not tell a person a more accurate time, but watch people make losing the confidence of accurate time. Watch Theorem corporate management, Ji inspired us a very intuitive, Jiu Shi pairs with the same person or an organization's management, Bu Neng while using two different methods, not both 设置 two different objectives, even Meiyigeren can not command the same time by two people, otherwise make a loss this business or this person. Theorem watch another layer of meaning within the meaning is that each one can also choose between two different values, otherwise, your behavior will be chaos.

8, not worth the Law
Law is not worth the most intuitive interpretation is: not worth doing things, not worth doing. The Law could not be easier, but often overlooked the importance of forgetting. Not worth the laws reflect the people of a psychological, a person engaged in a self that is not worth doing, tend to remain cynical, perfunctory manner, not only the low success rate, and even if successful, do not feel much sense of accomplishment. Therefore, individuals should be in a variety of alternative goals and values, select one, and then struggled. Choose your love, love your choice, it might inspire us to fight, you can also peace of mind. While on a business or organization, they have a good personality characteristics of employees, a reasonable distribution of work, such as a strong desire for achievement of the staff individually or lead to complete with some risk and difficulty of the work, and in its completion, giving timely recognition and praise; for dependent workers want a stronger, more participation to a group * with the work; so strong workers for power as an ability to adapt with the competent. At the same time to strengthen the staff of the business goals of the identity, so that employees feel their work is worth it, so as to arouse the enthusiasm of employees.

9, mushroom management
Mushroom management is the treatment of many organizations were a fledgling management, beginners are placed in a dark corner (not taken seriously in the department, or working odd jobs to run errands), doused with a dung (unwarranted criticism, blame, vicarious expiation ), left to its own devices (without the necessary guidance and guide and support). I believe many people have had such a mushroom experience, this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when everything just started, when the days of mushroom, can eliminate many of our illusion, and make us closer to the reality, more practical problems. An organization, generally for new staff are treated equally, from starting to work there will be no big difference. No matter how good your talent, in just the beginning, can only start from the most simple things, mushroom experience, for growth of young people, like a cocoon, is the emergence Qian to experience the step. So, how to efficiently get through this period of life, learn from the experience as much as possible, mature, and establish a good image of trusted individuals is for each newly recruited young people must face the social issues.

10, Occam's razor Law
12th century, the United Kingdom William of Ockham advocated nominalism, only acknowledge the existence of things, that the universality of those empty concept is useless burden, should be ruthlessly shave. He advocated if not necessary, do not by entities. It is often said that Occam's razor. This is the razor had so many people feel threatened, is considered heresy, William I have so persecuted. However, no damage to the knife's sharp, on the contrary, after several hundred years, history of Occam's razor has been worn more and more rapidly, and has already overloaded the original narrow field, but has a wide, rich and profound meaning .
Occam's razor Law in the evolution of business management can be further complicated for the simple and the law: to complicate simple things, simple things become very complicated. The law of demand, we deal with matters, to grasp the main essence of things, grasp the mainstream to address the fundamental problem, especially with the natural, not artificially complicate things, in order to pull things together.

Red wine heart

Day flood of youth who swept away the young who?
See, so in the capacity of Yan Rulian bloom season off with a total bluestone pavement also hear familiar footsteps coming, little heart with a sigh, casement tight cover, spring curtain without covering ......
Or the wind or rain, or wet leaves rain, kicking up clouds of flowers, Tears, and I still here the wind Mourning Mourning parting rain injury.
Remember when parting is such a day in the terminal building, we sat in the car, you just started quietly looking out the window Turbulence in the skies, says profoundly: "This kind of weather suitable for separation ..... . ". You seem to be in to himself, it seems to say to me, his voice, choked with indescribable, so I had to look back at you ------- tear, quiet effusion of your eyes. And you, still looking at the front of the increasingly self-serving low sky, eyes uncertain, look bleak.
Extended fingers, I brushed aside that you drop tears, s heart Yi Chan, suddenly on the earth, creation, from a grateful heart Che Che bone.
The wind outside the car more and more compact, light rain and hovering that is Who's tears in the flight?
All of the encounter seems to separate ......
Time going around in circles, sorrows and joys are as in the past.
Finally, demos air, March restless wind up, shake the winding river, the shadow of my broken inside.
Gently, a Punta boat Huangyou You to across the water, soft chuckle words, the dream of this town quiet stretch, spread.
Lanes, waterside, only my body alone and the Meishan smoke lock, wandering alone in the cold inside.
The total can not stop thinking of you, walk like a fish in the shore, eager to puddle of clear water. Although, you nose very mouth Xiumei such as Aoyama's face in the wind is getting fuzzy.
Diao Chan Ai Lvbu, because he is handsome, beautiful woman with a hero, like blood with the sword, let the world envy.
I love you because you are not only handsome, but also wit, full of Fairview, flowers and herbs. With us, like the ink stone with ink, and wit you this piece of ink Oh, accumulated over time, more black, get more, so I can not 近墨者黑, increasingly love you.
Lu Xiaofeng, said at least one thing Ximen never learn like other people, not his sword, his lonely ------- mountains on the ice as the cold lonely winter night like a meteor and lonely. This is the master of the lonely standing above the crowd.
And you, too, one thing is people can not learn, not your intellect but your passion is to never give Yuecuoyueyong ------- enterprising spirit of the rain after the pride soaring passion .
Therefore, you can always succeed.
But more than these, you can always with a pair of eyes and assessment of the matter, found in the wider world of their own direction, Yongwangzhiqian.
I admire the most, is your compassion. You pity Fallen, pity the grass, pity my past, present, and future. Where into your eyes, the pity of all.
Turn the spin off of life, because you appear fair share wonderful.
Whatever, it is regrettable that your bright attitude to take my heart, and hurried goodbye, noise from dust, meet even less because of ......
I raise my eyes Albatron, distant clouds; bow to the water, the water comes first. Distant clouds, water, a lengthy, difficult intersection of cloud water.
If, if that field is not met, I would not mind health troubles. Only if the world is not so much! Once those early morning, those evening, nights, now and then can no longer come back. So, now I'm in the early morning, at dusk, in the middle of the night quietly recalling past again and again.
If you want to know now, would rather not encounter Allure color.
Mountain green, water long, dreams are doomed to ......
I wander deep in the lane, winding lanes leading to the winding river, crushing the sun through the leaves lies here in the shoulders, thin air more flexible, open side of the road to positive Yan Begonia , countless strong red color, such as a glass of wine, looking at the people enchanted. This reminds me of Tamaki Koji's "Wine Red Heart": "Red, red, red, clear opacity heart like wine and women, who are you love, happiness will begin with a happy little carried away, red wine, red wine, red wine, Drink up to enhance memory, love for whom drops. ", thinking, thinking, I thought of you, and complex sorrow, accompanied by Tolerance thoughts, the waves of my heart on this.
In fact, their have always been the place where the United States, there are many mountains and many beautiful food, but are in beautiful, day and night I yearn for another strange city, all because of you, because your cause! Wherever you are, there are places where you are in heaven, that is where I long to arrive.
Dear, spring is at hand, each eye are truly impressive, and you, as a small make, coming from afar, from the endless blue water, blue smoke in the way, each figure is a picture, let me The paper and ink have disseminated the old-fashioned. From the years I have more of a cup of tea sitting alone, a poem of elegy. Spring really want to share with you, after all, life is short, the rest of the rest of my life, how much a spring can be delayed? Maybe you will laugh, laugh I laugh my greedy wishful thinking, Why do not you? If you are committed you will not want to What?
My dear, that was the wind was still by my side Xu Xu round after round, Tangulunjin. Trail this wind, the sun thin dense, mood there were numerous, all the United States, both with distance and imagination, multiply and spread ......
"Red, red, red, clear opacity heart like wine and women ......"
Fade time, carrying half-closed matters of the heart, in my singing settlement, like your heart is strong red wine, bit by bit just as you drunk.
Carry look eyes, white walls and black tiles overlay, which it belonged, the window green to green, again drawing the twitter of swallows?
In March, the sea threw, glittering from the far and near, the water more and more short stacks. Contamination of the dew of my hair, wet, dark, quietly released into the air, the round also will miss bloom, one, two, are sweet ......
While walking up the stairs on the roadside wild flowers, I homeopathic down, came to the end of the water, with a pure state of mind, such as stars, to children of tender willow, look, look into the distance.
When setting sun sky, sky, caught a one if you lightly but to smile, I see a cut Samuume, thus the flowers lakes ......

Lodge had eternal light

Tanabata Festival, I think of my mother.

I am open trucks, often someone else's pull goods, naturally they often return home late at night.

I live in the small village is not big, it sunrise and sundown. However, no matter how late to go home, I can always see a light is illuminated.

The lamp is the mother of the window of the lamp.

I know, my mother is the light in the window lodge had immortal son of silent care. Faint light that seems always said gently: "My son will not go wrong today, out of the bus, my son should have to back it."

Although I have a 45-year-old man, and has already had its own home, with his wife and son, but, in the mother's eyes, no matter how old I am, and I are concerned about the eternal mother.

I passed the window to his mother's home, a few minutes you can hear the voice of the mother tied to the door, her mother prepared to sleep. I know, my mother has been waiting a long time, very tired, but have not heard the familiar footsteps of his son, the mother can not sleep. That tied the door of the sound, really like a mother to himself: "My son came back, my son back." I know, go home every night my mother heard the footsteps of his son, the mother is like drinking honey General . But as long as his son did not go home, my mother has been quietly waiting for the lamp of fire!

From 1981 onwards, I will open truck, and mother died in 2003, the mother window as I light the lamp for a whole two years! Fearful of her mother twenty-two years!

Mother ah, son to your friends

Posture Pollination

At dusk, take unintentionally inflicted with a sword hastily passing a wood, an inadvertent one, let her silly stopped flying footsteps, almost hit a tree.
------ My god, who from childhood on the road approaching man is simply flew out from the painting, the slender figure with a pure white robe, looked simply carried away friends. Oh, that face, it is more of a U.S. multi-Jun-face ah was actually a reincarnation of Pan, Song appeared.
White man came over thoughtfully, flowers saw fierce mood, a sudden case of ghosts, screamed, fell to the floor in a faint.
Is animal in nature looking at his trance-like flowers mood in a hurry in the past to help him up: "son, son you all right? Wake up, Wake up, I'm not a doctor ah!"
After she shook the white man opened his eyes, looked at her face again cried in terror: "Ghosts, Ghosts ......", quickly freed her hands, staggered forward and ran away.
"Son, son ......"
Flowers inadvertently stood up in a hurry call, my expectation, he should run like a deer, and instantly disappeared in the front corner of the.
"Coward! Really useless coward, if I want to eat him, like ....."
She angrily Duoduojia, sat down under the banyan trees, the color mask of his face ripped hard throw on the grass.
This is when your baby seems like a ghost animal masks, scare away the rare Shuainan.
Because by nature loves to play, she often elaborately painted with their own masks, disguised as a man, a man went cruising, in addition to water, mountain look, all right Take the bad guys to show that land acquired under the fist kung fu his childhood, and then Several carefully ferocious masks fainting poor guy, for the people out of the foul smells, looking for their point of happy, anyway, is idle idle day. But did not think this is scare with this mask a rare Shuainan, has caused himself and his chance to say a word no. Hey, more so missed a good chance my heart this regret ah ......
If someone just passing through, you will find, sitting on the roadside flower inadvertent though his face looks like a huff, but it is bright eyes white teeth, like youthful eyes, small nose and hanging lamps, cherry melon powder in the face, mouth lining, a particularly glamorous. A good body count them out in turn gray brilliant clothing appeared Xiaoman Yao tied a white ribbon, Xiang Jian oblique inserting a green sheath GU Jian-edged spots, Youyao hung a very delicate and fine wine gourd.
Seeing the day off to be completely dark, and she had to pick up the mask and hurried home.
The next day, spent mood luxurious texture wearing a white silk Chun Shan, swan-like neck and chest snow white and the skin hanging from a red-hot exudes pure color saturation, almost deified as the jewel necklace, in particular, fall Runbo sinking in water droplets on the skin-like crystal gems, a dazzling red, bright dripping and let her look even more brilliant.
She called little maid Shuanger quietly out the door and stood looking at her parents under the eaves of the back of a strange shook his head: "Today the sun came out west? Flowers did not even wear men's it?"
Accustomed to being coddled like a flower of their lack of interest has already been intended that she should walk to the lake side, see what fun things you can along for the ride, as usual, as if with a mask in crowded places , then fainting a few non-tourist-free care.
That day the sun was shining, the spring breeze blowing thoroughly enjoyed the comfortable. Less than half an hour, both master and servant came to the West Lake.
At this point the lake is full of laughter, full of Jiang Sheng, full of singing, and the lake are pine dependent, full of tourists.
Shuanger Although the maid, but the snow wise, because of inadvertent childhood and flowers she grew up with our parents, Arts, poetry and painting are also well versed, good wave action with a viable, both master and servant as close as sisters often relied on extraordinary powers, with the play of the men, go out to help the poor weak, even the classic dignity of flowers family has no way to get them.
They crossed the bridge, he reaped the See Dibian 1, the number of people are looking around what the hectic bustling. Shuangercouguo curious to see the look on a smile and go back: "Miss, there more than two dice it in so I have to try it?"
"Ratio? Erupted on you two? Care home to lose people."
"No, definitely not to miss your Shuanger shame, worry."
Shuanger these words, they get a look in the flower has always been feisty mood is quite curious, too quickly with the past.
People see the arrival of such a glamorous woman, shocked to Heaven, have let out a place for her.
Just roll the dice to see who wins when the mood took could not believe his eyes.
It is clearly to their fainting yesterday's white Shuainan!
She looked at ecstasy, fear he is an instant loss.
Shuanger then the owner has completely aloof, white scholars challenge came whereabouts: "son, I'll bet with you, okay?"
"Girl you want to bet?"
"Bet your hand this fan, if I win, to me. If I lost, my wine is your gourd!" Shuanger tapped waist wine gourd: "But I treasure it."
Simply not no justice, this girl audacious, dare to take my baby when his bet! Inadvertent side of the flower should run and listened to almost kick her out.
"I also have a known source of this fan." White man smiled, "afraid you do not have the luck, also lost his love object."
"Hard to say, Hey, son invited!" Shuanger generous plate.
"Good happy girl! Dice as long as no irrigation lead, then rely on tactics, relying on new skills, we determined the outcome of dice three times, how?"
"Good! Start."
White man took out three dice, and from the side took a big Hai Wan, handy to throw three dice jingle bells fell Wandi, he pushed the bowl forward, raising his hand with a chuckle: "girl, you Please! "
Shuanger not Declining, faint smile gently at him, extended right palm, is freely grab a bowl of three dice, a random place, ding ding even ring, three dice stopped after a while turned off .
Men in white light, said: "the same color, three six!"
Yes, the sea in all six bowl of three dice, which is the largest number of points, unless he can throw 19 o'clock, or else she can not win. But then again, how could it?
Shuanger smiled: "son, that you!"
White men take it lightly smile, reach out grab the dice, a bite, suddenly dropped, the bowl is impressively three six!
Also threw a return is still hard to compete with contractors, and likewise 18:00.
Shuanger face changed: "son of good practices, but this continues, you set me on the outcome, in my view, as another pattern!"
"Girl, please speak."
Shuanger not said a word, just one hand, flips slam big Hai Wan, the past three dice all detained under the bowl. She saw grasping Wandi, bowl without leaving the table, the table not live rock, just listen to bowl under the dice with ring ding ding ... ...
White man, slightly frowning, pained.
Shuanger lips slips Lueqi a smile, suddenly stopped his hand, stretched out a finger pressing Wandi opened a bowl ... ...
The surrounding people are looking straight eyes, exclaimed with them.
White man, his face a slightly changed.
3 dice that actually stack up, and corners are right, exactly right.
The top of a dice is a six-point, see if the following two ... ...
Shuanger knocked out one finger under the table, the dice are sinking, the top of "A pair of" bang and fell off.
Inadvertently saw the flower next to the second teeth dice facing up side, it was 6:00. Could not help but smile.
Good-looking white man's face had been slightly disturbed, subconsciously rubbing the hand-wringing ------ presumably, his palm already leaking a cold sweat.
Shuanger lips smile thicker, extensor another knock, and the second teeth dice falls on the desktop. However, immediately take careless lips smile froze, her eyes were surprised to look to the white man ------ third satellite, he looked straight Lengleng De dice, did not know there were beautiful women are looking at themselves.
That the third planet dice facing up side, is five points. His deep sigh.
Shuanger surprised look prosperous and grabbing, man suddenly said: "son, I lost the hand, looking at you!"
White man did not speak, and offered slightly trembling hands. The tremor, Shuanger the laughs again.
He also put three dice 依葫芦画瓢 to buckle under the rock in the Great Haiwan a while, but his hand not as flexible Shuanger neat, stop shaking, he seems to be tugging at it with both hands and mind from the sea bowl.
Shuanger eyes in surprised shock reproduction.
Even under the three dice bowls also stack up, but the top one, was surprised also a 6:00.
Flower stand quietly while careless smile also will condense frost.
But white men look happy, trembling fingers picked out the first one under the dice, because too tight, not picked well, "A pair of" slamming, the dice are sinking, off the table, another roll, went to the table below go. Fortunately, not bumped the second teeth dice, what is a six. Shuanger one face for the change.
No expression on his face white man went to twist to the third planet.
However, slam, Shuanger knocked off the table, stood up HUO Di ------ Obviously, she is more nervous, more anxious, struck a second teeth under the fear of falling dice.
Flowers inadvertently see that it is 6:00.
White man, reminding us of scenes off the power, physique Yao Huang was quick to hold on to the table, and wiped his forehead to lift the sleeve.
Shuanger the surface, such as white, slam, sat on the stone bench, did not say a word.
"Girl, it seems you have a beautiful wine gourd solution of it." White man relieved smile.
Shuanger helpless look to take careless, hands clutching the waist of the wine gourd, the verge of tears.
Flower mood slowly stepped forward, smiled and said: "The son, you win, wine is your gourd. Now, you and me again how more than once? Also bet on the wine gourd! If I win, It is still vested in you, if lost, Shuanger to you when the maid, how? "
White man looked at her, could not believe his eyes.
So beautiful! He looked at her wits, eyes will not be moved until the next to someone shouting: "the wind son, than it, you will win!" He That they recovered, and asked to spend mood: "This is ? "
"Son, her eldest is my home." Shuanger hastily introduced in the side.
"Well, how do we compare?" Is everyone's white man called the wind son smile.
"Wine than the wine inside the gourd."
"No problem, just too small wine here, probably enough for two people to drink."
Flowers inadvertently said: "This wine is not unusual gourd in wine, peach wine is snow-capped mountains, ordinary people will only drink one a drunk."
"That being so, we started to drink it."
"He Menjiu too boring, so be it, you and I were out of the other exam questions, answered correctly, the problem of people drinking, got the wrong answer or not answer, answer people drink, do you think?"
Wind son pondered a moment, nodded without hesitation: "I am willing to try on a try."
Flowers inadvertently took over from Shuanger red wine gourd gently on the table: "the wind son, personnel Jieyou products, but wine mixed, how do you say then that wine?"
"Personnel Jieyou products, but wine mixed. Flowers months, the songs flow Origin, drink a glass of light wine in the poems intestine, what is called Confucianism drink; 23 good friend, on the eve of flowers morning, four were Shu, low sing the odd glass, what is called Sin drink; Li Feng Xi banquet, red tape, all day Spasm, for fear of overstepping of authority, what is called prisoners drink; Cup tire of great wine to refilling, Chi Chou Hu Ma, wantonly swallowing, what is called ass drink; crown gown with a discharge, take sub-zhao mu, to chopsticks toast, satisfied body rail material, this is thy funeral drink; fell to the ground abusive, vomiting Yue into the channel, lying on wake up, personnel do not know, what is called dead drink ; predecessors a poem: 'village rice wine sweet, fat fish, drink a few people to ramp Hui, Tin wide to wide knowledge home, and everyone supporting the return so intoxicating.' This they drink in the Plaza goods. "
"The wind son, it seems you know better the wine Road." Flower delivery to others inadvertently spoke out a bottles, took wine gourd, unplug the plug for a bottle full vessel. A wine poured, aromatic full room, the intoxicating smell.
Son not help praise the sound of the wind, "wine" bottles of the drink took hold unintentional: the "wind son, that you had a problem."
"Today there are pool side ridge, reed health of its central, water one foot. Cited Jia went to shore, Qi Shi and shore. Ask depth, the geometric length Jia?"
"Depth of ten feet two feet, ten feet three feet long reed. Intraoperative said: semi-Chi Fang Zi Sheng, to water one foot Zi Cheng, less of, I, times the addition of water, that was deep. Add water a few, have long Jia . "
"Answered correctly."
Flower mood has a bottle full vessel, the wind son could not help sip a sip lips, hands won the Jinzun, "Cuckoo", put on drink.
Flowers inadvertently the question: "What is beauty then?"
"The so-called Americans who should be spent as a landscape, with birds as the voice of God in months, with jade as the bone, ice and snow for the skin to youthful as the attitude to poetry for the heart, such as the girl you are." Slight wind son smile.
"Son too kind." Flower soon as unintentional smiles tenderly, looking upward, to drink, and the Ting Feng's son, said: "Shuro intentional, qiaojiaqu two women there hearts today think of as home to Lang. Playing word Tune Name . "
"Stories of."
"Answered correctly, that I drink."
Wind son drunk, careless side to see flowers such as Red Cloud, the United States if the angel, mind not help burst waves.
Flower mood has smiled and said: "If the rivers have dried up, no longer original, and the king is never dare. Beat poetry one."
Air son a little thought for a moment and said: "streamer easy to throw people."
"Answer, I drink."
Wind son added: "View of flowers suitable for purpose but fit in the nose Oh, and what? Suitable for nose sniffing the flowers have? Flowers with leaves and branches can be for people to watch what? Yeer beautiful than flowers What? flowers are beautiful with the leaves what? "
"View of flowers suitable for purpose but fit into the nose Oh, there are plum blossom, chrysanthemum, orchid, daffodil, bead orchids, lotus; only be applied to nose sniffing the flowers are citron, Guangxi, Daphne, gardenia, jasmine, wood incense, rose, bloom; flowers with leaves and branches can be for people watching, and naturally begonias as well as the second such charge, Begonia, yeast millet, corn poppy, narcissus is the third and so on; Yeer beautiful than flowers, to number that amaranth, canna two of the. As with the leaves are beautiful flowers, crape myrtle and magnolia on none other than the non-. "
Flower mood had hardly faded, he kept people around applauded, clapped.
"Said the girl's good!" Wind son has sounded smoked course, he won the cattle drinking gourd, gourd overturned an instant, drip is not left, drinking wine of this gourd is still possible to pick up the Xing is still unknown shook his gourd - ----- gone. Busy looked up he said: "wine ah, I do Hing is still unknown, wine is still busy insects Unfortunately, no wine ... ..."
Carter, he passed out on the ground.
"Shuang Er, soon wake up wine Fufeng son to return home."
"Yes, ma'am." Side of the back to see the bodice Shuanger, quickly stood up to make amends for the wind to help the son out of the crowd.
Flowers unintentional childhood home on the love to drink the wine, over time, has already struck the first time this wind son to drink, that is, no matter how good drinker, it could not do, so he will definitely lose.
Looking at the wind son, her smug smile.
Thought yesterday masks scare the people, now letting his drunk on, it is clear God is to promise them a Food of Love. She believed that the wind son woke up, they will have more opportunities to go along with almonds, and goes on a mask after the color had to hang on the wall for decoration of the.

Mom, I want to die

Mom, I'm sitting here at dusk, such as a piece of dead wood, dull eyes, a heart as if drowned in water, can not breathe, the water level sank, could not find a life-saving straw, raw raw so broken dreams of a quiet Wang .
Fu River at bay for the feeling, probably is the case, right?
So, I do not do, sitting in the corner bleak as leaves, the sun has nothing to do with the horizon, nothing to do with the surrounding noise.
Vague in, or have even the slightest desire. Desire a warm feeling, such as cotton underwear as a kind of warm feeling, that as Sea, spray everywhere; and I was able to return to childhood, back into your arms, eyes, heart, and only joy, curious, carefree.
Time such as the East died of water, how can the back? Naive so ridiculous, but I can not always simply shelved it, as if he suddenly lost all strength and refuge, only fantasy in hand, not easily discarded.
September in the autumn, to me it's gorgeous display again and it's dying out, grass, flowers, sadness, happiness, such as the fallen flowers, and I can only use an empty city contrast.
Mother, in September of the sun in my eyes is a bunch of lights cold, lonely endless, and I even pleasant for all the good that they have lost, though, you make me feel there is life, but I really want to die.
Days of repeated overlapping, yesterday I planted love, has no new flowers bloom.
Greeting the thin cold air, my hands up his back ________ sky empty, mocking bow geese flying south I transparent wings, and then laugh it off.
Mother, arrived in the fall of my life is, wading from young boy with a dazzling easily broken eyes I want to fly, let the breeze help take the sunset, like help to go to my head this ________ dark raging Crazy Kenshi to empty my heart is still pure, joy, jump for joy.
No matter how attentive thought, from the evening of the alley, into the dark night of the abdomen, then leapt to the branch of thorns, it does not help, only to see the wet earth melancholy bunch, after rain in spring leek.
Although those who pity the old, those who treasure the soft, those who treasure box of love still hold in my palm, but I feel a deep pain, the injury is difficult to bear.
Mother, in September of the night no bottom, looking like a spiral dry well has been down, no longer my former favorite soft romantic evening. I can not sleep, but never go to another dream of a sleepwalking, run, cry, struggle, until no escape.
I really like physical and mental fatigue, although I was brought up you and your father's a bird wings, but I feel helpless, I want to die.
Mother, although I have not said that to do anything good, but I have been wearing your heart a sense of grace. From small to large, I have not made any contributions to you, but also intentionally or unintentionally caused so much trouble, you black hair, a white pick one .......
Like me, you sad, makes me feel shameful.
Mom, do not be sad, I'm just a sad flower, sooner or later have to hide in the gloomy autumn.
Covered with dust, I, together with a heap of tired, the only text written on a surface of a painting, watched them disappearing, and nothing's standing on the shore ________ wind rises, suddenly turning the river front , one side of the reed Jiyu fly slowly flashed a pair of dark green, narrow wings, a white feather, confusion to fall on the water, blinking on Piaoyuan, and take away my only light inside the pupil.
Mom, please do not call me, I close my eyes, just want to put down all the bear, turn off a ghost town, not suffer, rest assured you turn it on.
I was a flower, a very simple flowers, my autumn has arrived. Mom, I want to die.

Cloud on the day

Scattered, and finally scattered, like a feast, like a fairy tale, after all, who goes on all day with the wind.
Looking back, the those song and those laughing, those mind-phase pull, such as the swirling leaves, with the colors, fly to the mountain to the other side, is taken away, not only tears, there is hope.
In fact, the results already doomed at the outset, may I always can not bear to turn around, because you good, because you're special.
Perhaps, I was eager for, perhaps, I was luxury ......
Delicate clouds are in, and who smiled and tears?
Meet, farewell, so many, there is not enough what you sad? Why are they can not help but look back to the early autumn of a bright?
Time, one minute, one second, are few. Acquaintance with you, as the wind rose too, and only a brief moment, why has allowed a knowing smile, a heavy beams are stained?
Finally realized, I still have not completely grown up, still in love with the number of stars in the night, always look forward to a meteor flying, for me, just for me ......
Still remember your bright, like a ray of sunshine, inadvertently suddenly commands the earth, spring-like blew my eyes accustomed to the darkness. Thus, the heart of the bolt is opened instantly, the light came in, flew in flowers, birds come and go .....
Vivid eyes, enchanting smile, it is God's charity Why?
Such as cup, such as confusion, have a nest inside the pear, we have no time to think about the future of the wings.
Toast, you and I drink bottomless tenderness, a laugh, the lips 100 Mei dangers, love to fly the wings again and again overlap, several times blurred.
Stars spread, blur, intoxicated ......
Early autumn day is the day goes on, the heart bloom times, everything is beyond control.
Uneasy! I was so uneasy, fear and trepidation, and even speak each word is so hard, for fear of unwatched, since the autumn the first swept away everything .......
How can withstand the cold and cool flowers, autumn?
The next fall in one after another, westerly thin do, autumn rain, but also an autumn, lingering endlessly, quietly dispersed in ticks on your side ......
Wind Rush End of the World, petals curl residue, you and I hurried separation between branches, across one horizon, distant sea.
Distant sea, the life experience I am saddled with the poor, the daughter of Italian sense of Jun, ashamed no Allure color, only by moonlight, send blessings _______ thousands of miles away, I wish you happiness, Chunhuaqiuyue good, joys and sorrows Tears still well ......
Di Mei, turn around, I received the sun, possession of attachment, will be an eclectic storytelling tie down front light system, carrying a lake Bik, red armbands stretch for the lotus, went into the late autumn.
View, had Pure Sound Department, half of the smoke cover, cloud half buried, and who bow Buddhas, palms together international, a drop of tears, quietly, falling fleeting?

Mood twitter

Evening 8:00, the window is completely black, I quickly turn off the computer is playing "My head of my regiment," to walk in the park.
Face full of chill wind blowing, so the days to the late autumn walk, pull all pull not live.
Out the cell door, and Lu-yu friend a greeting and see several people standing on the wall to see signs, I leaned in and saw the dog was originally seeking enlightenment Zhang, above deer with a dog sideways, front, and standing The three photos, but also indicate a loss of time, host family name phone address, it must be re-marked specifically thank.
I turned around I continued to walk to the park, which he could not only deer from the dogs of envy.
It was lost, can it happy.
If you lost my heart, is not it should travels thousands of miles, all over the world looking for?
I walked the empty hands, eyes blank.
In fact, I just a tree, the wind out of date, holding a piece of the green of hope, day and night prodigiously, stretched to ulterior motives Yaya are flowing love. My heart was breaking through the clouds fog, wandering in a foreign land, could not find the way home.
Day and night, love in the accumulation, like reduction .....
Pine shaded walk in the park in the street and through the night, I burst into tears in the crowd.
I thought, "My head of my group" in the Veterinary Hao.
"I'm really sad to die." Tired of him sitting across Bangladesh, with a look of loss and sadness, serious, said. About half a day so he must attack the issue of Bangladesh Nantianmen tired of staring at him surprised and almost angry to roar a cry, turned away in anger.
At this time, a shell flew from Nantianmen, exploding between them.
Crashing sound, the Bangladesh tired to erase the face of the earth looked behind him, Hao _________ he disappeared into a veterinary Lao Shenxian heaven, and fly into the clouds, flying to the sun, gone.
He really is a sad death.
I have to die that day, will still not get back to its heart, will still not get back lost lovers, but also the same as a loss of Veterinary Hao disappeared in the smoke and dust in despair?
I am eager to go over the lake of lotus leaves to stay forever in the dark, quietly and wait wither, do not understand my grief.
Soon as lightning, followed soon as clap of thunder, the sky splits open.
"The rain began to fall!" Someone shouted, road people such as soldiers were military orders, while speeding up the pace, hurried to the place to be.
Head winds blowing more and more of the tight.
Cool my face, my heart is hot, hot blood surging, billowing, choking me more than, like the grave of his back stood Veterinary Hao drank a bottle of hard liquor A translation, in the end victorious tipsy feeling, drunk with the inner world Even the side walls can not find help, and finally fell down flat on _______ fallen, not only body, there is hope.
So far, the world already thrown my tears into the ocean together.
Days of lofty, amidst the frenzy, autumn grinning, actually provoke solitude ......
In fact, I was a tree, and Red Dust storms each other, each other's fate.
I just have imagined the dead, a unique arena and a unique Bronze Age.
Images, it has "good weather" in the wind and rain, long, quiet years, with birds, there are pines, with Stream sound, and "Blossoming" of the fragrance of flowers and vegetation, and the curl of smoke constantly.
Have moved into the splendid fruit of the village into the city, 365 diurnal, no dust, there to ask questions.
My own rocks and historical rivers and lakes, covered with turquoise, Han Hong, Cai Yun Shi, casual you will find "as big as the Ritz Hotel, Diamond," there is a most attractive stone, called bi and s Although inevitably leads to a strong history of disputes.
Has that day, moving back and forth and I survive on between you adrift in a landscape, Looking back on a strange fragrance, the distance between the jerky left behind, to come together from different directions, in the moonlight with Qingwo hand wake-up spring.
All the sorrow and tears have disintegrated, scattered. We are in a moment on B C D when the land is green pen on the notebook in tortoise shells, said composition with a vague feeling of the joy of their own. As a result, more and more dense inner abundance levels, more and more thick _________ our Bronze Age to come.
On the foot of the mountain, fountain, built in only part of our loft, interior design is reasonable, each brick have fell in love, with memorable small details, the roof of the pattern carved metaphysical oath; downstairs there is a sweet messages can be read boxes; small loft with a frank, persistence and the quality of simplicity, not years of erosion, destruction from wind and rain; the roof back to rain and leaving the shelter of weeds, allowing them and white dew and frost can play the greeting.
Every day, you and I are in one, so that chapter of life slowly flows, physical and mental tranquility, filled with its fresh thoughts. When evening comes, you can put a Lianghu wine, three or four dishes, look even better, Hao-hao same color, so that life would be most happy, however, the most successful, however.
See, in front of a small piece of time have kept the road, we were abandoned several times, and now multiply the back, the beans grow into a new opening into a new pumpkin flower, quietly in the wind.
This time, we should lay down their hearts, "dumping pregnant on the flute drum, sword-free life and death" of pride, to a quiet, sweet love on the day of bread, bread in layers of love spring; fall in love with a layer of layer of the wheat, fall in love with night lamp, fell in love with the shadow of the lamp that aloof, love the simple life, and it would circle Dangqi waves.
This arena and this era, there has been a mirage in my. It is not shiny sword, not bloody, but not heavy, but it can condense all the warm scent the air.
Soon as soon as the thunder big like in my head one after another of the blooming, lightly crushed my castles in the air, autumn took the opportunity to take away my Bronze Age, there was the same as the fog enveloped me of you ..... .
God said, you can only fragile bones Kang Zhu life chips, sniffing its salty, Chongrubujing live, and leave standing in the opium poppy, swagger is not China and the United States with their own shadow, until the river went, until the fleeting time to the.
I is my God! I am angry.
Finally lost the control of the sky, rain down tilt tray, surrounded me.
Who lost both hands empty heart walk in the rain, the soul of the voice becomes thin and light ......

Tsing Yi

Night, I wrote at the bored Nye opened the TV.
Screen, one dressed in green Luoqun of Tsing Yi is marching Lianbu came up, babbling of singing, Mei Yan, such as the Philippines, facial features Xie Fei, sleeves Qing Bai, moving like the wind, Liu, Jing Lily of Things Past one hand lift of the United States have enough people are dazzling.
"Permanence Jun to mind in this day kindness of not relinquishing ......"
A singing, the buzzing, like a chamber of last resort, may have a situation in face of the cavity.
"Squeak, squeak, ah, ah ... ah ......"
Tsing Yi looks sadly beautiful singing, the voice of deep feeling mildly, the United States can not say, magic can not pass, the occasional flash of the swallow water surface, gently re Ying Ying, easily attracted my eyes, actually a moment let me see was some crazy, your heart will follow up tunes uncertain _______
See Yi, I clearly saw it used to be.
Permanent stranger, remember the last time What difference? No Beaujolais, no songs, you and I spoke understatement does not matter, then smiled and waved goodbye to the time when, clearly also say goodbye to those days of brilliance, those who thought the total peach lips soft and time for the flag.
At this point, television long-sleeved Yi Yi Yi's husband, Shan Shan back in, actually went from a faraway place.
Tsing Yi sleeves Qing Bai, Babble sound to tear both hands. She saw that the door is narrow eyes, that road is long ......
Star has been a long fall, has tilted month, once in the two eyebrows, and instantly became superficial, and left only two lines Qinglei.
Since then, the cross in front of her is the long wait.
Wait, time immemorial, many women can not escape fate. Not for men, but to love.
Life is like a play, drama is like life.
Looking at Tsing Yi hide their faces look like Ma Lei, I no longer bear the sorrows and romantic songs to listen to her, secretly shook his head, went to the window.
Urgent breeze blowing from the window, and again when I describe a glass of Qin, Han tiles, as if a child accidentally put his favorite glass marbles down the floor. So I saw those pear drop, apricot open, dreams around the Chang'an Street ... ... 12
Do not say nothing, I can not afford the accumulation of lonely and desolate earth.
Listen Qiuchong whisper, my heart heavy waves, the total can not stop the endless mess of sadness and curly.
Deep Blue Atrium, a monthly profit quietly reveal white clouds, such as wading barefoot boy laughing with water, is freely open the memory box, gently endorse my long lost love, the temperature rise up to the old, better than the entire summer.
Those Chunshang blossomed, those words, tears, night, poem, those hi and injuries, such as the golden leaves, they fall to the ground. Eternal stranger, I will plant them deeply in their hearts, so that they, like me, and gradually full, warm, bright, regardless of the season.
You always face serene, smiling, but I know, know that you still love me, at night, I read the poem over and over; in the wine, call my name again and again, as call your own youth.
Not see you, my dear, I could not help think of you left-handed stroke with his right hand, right hand stroked the poor heart. See, I love, so empty, so vulnerable, like the skin under the heart, a voice did not tell the lips; like the sun wake up, only to remember the scenes unreal scene.
Past wind, and you sit outlet, left the Castle Peak towering, lush bamboo groves; the right of carrying Tolerance of noise, the stream winding Di Qi. Your silence is golden, deeply rooted in the soil, they are constrained by the sun, water and nutrients, could no longer run away, only to call their own blood in my co-desire and heart, in the night in one after another ... ...
Your name is Zhu Yu, a precious, I could not bear to say it, let it lips and teeth and aroma.
Listen, there are calls for clear distance, wrapped in passion Miyi ......
I do not think that there are sad voice.
I do not say that up in sin, but the tears flowing on my face silently expressed innermost feelings ________ dislike its strong enough for the enthusiasm, too long for the quiet. Although those who meet those leaving, those reluctant eyes, day and night in memory of shimmering, also suffering, but also sweet and also sour.
Died bending difficult, joys and sorrows of Nan Jin, and happiness will be dependent attendant Jin Jinzuan heart in hand, few actually can?
More Lanna quiet, sad night, month out, such as flooding balcony, Qi Feng wisp who heartbroken?
Wind off, Qiuchong whisper, the old silent stars, refused to heart lamp lit.
Wait, even if the whole life to Peifu _______ you have added my green eyes affection.
But, this is a long life, I have all the warmth and tears are sent to you, then, to what means the courage to smile for others?
Thought, looking at, they thought, my throat had stabbed in the long stems, in contrast, they sting unbearable, but I restrain, restraint, even lonely as well, even all the way empty, but also laugh to the spring after .
Tsing Yi is still on TV, "squeak, squeak, ah, ah ... ah ......" sang, undying Sadness.
I silently stare at the sky, on exceptionally bright, unity and happiness of the unknown human sorrows and joys, soft cold fingers brushed the window, no intention to disturb astrology, it is regrettable that time, every day, every day, every day of the disappeared, only sigh, this Homecoming, this flower Mei Juan ......

Erhu repeatedly

Preferably at night, things ease breathing, a ray of light sound of the singing mountain Qingyin springs ......
Preferably south, Huangyou You waterway Chuanjie and over, this small town into two arched bridges like a warm hand, light pull on both sides of the Spring and Autumn. Through wind and rain along the berm erosion, cordierite green moss on the spread in the wind Limo Mo tenacious of life. Look, shore Qingwa, white walls, open windows and holes everywhere ...... sway of the willow
With a blue cloth dress, you quietly came to water's edge. At this time, set for a graceful glide Wu Pengchuan dream the water, boat oars splash, a gentle and quiet charm across from your heart. You do not say anything, just smiled and went along the smooth bluestone lane road, gently, quietly, for fear that their sound will be issued as a stone into calm water, such as waves, waking dreams of one Enron.
At this time, a string of notes such as rain, such as bead, came from somewhere, sad he endured, as if setting the eternal sadness, moments in your heart Dangqi cool waves, ripples of pain among the myriad dangers.
Erhu repeatedly, tweedle moist, cold, and accompanied by rhyme of Long Short Sentence, smoke, or fog, on the road this fall on the bluestone.
You to pause, only one attentively, and saw the still as a "flower flower Feifei Xie sky" Heart regret the Daiyu, and "searching" but in the end was "desolate" in EMC, but in the near sideways is a long established office "never doubted see tears in their eyes, not even Yuning choke" the Liutun Tian, and tears that wholehearted Zhongyan Acacia ......
Trance, you seem to step into a time of deep _______ so many people, so many things, and accompanied to blossom come near you, another little bit away from you, in vain to leave a place of loneliness.
Erhu repeatedly, coming not only broken bridge side edged paper umbrella also Annaibuzhu total solitude, and a lightning in the darkness, even the desolate grave can stop the butterfly's persistence, and Chu Overlord's beautiful wife full of tragically ... ...
Erhu sounded, the flames in the swirling cry _______ club said Yue Fei's soul is still wandering in the Southern Song Dynasty; noble spirit of the text of the prime minister's voice is still lingering in the Lingding Yang; Chunhuaqiuyue more nakan bone generation of imperial urge Xinzhe pain ......
Erhu repeatedly, beating the strings on the rosewood, soaked alley every corner, eyes closed, Bing in the dark at a loss to linger in your heart, flowing in the light and shade, the deeper the Wuxi heavy fog ... ...
Erhu sounded, deep and sad, worried about how much smoothie wanderer's heart ... ...
Erhu repeatedly, diffuse large walk in Saibei Gobi desert, in front of the open, vast, behind is a winding dragon, ten thousand mile entrenched in the hills at the foot is stepping on the predecessors of our immortal soul, in the sand in endlessly singing.
Sudden sorrow and grief, you may feel sad and dreary.
Erhu repeatedly, and thus the water, in the mountains, in the sprawling land of weeds, with a long melody through time and space.
Water lily, Jiapeng Fang's "water lily", and thus walk in your heart, pathos, sorrow and grief, pathos, not by the way you think of the Meng Po _______ she not sad faces no-hi, it seems also to tell the world who you are desolation and helplessness.
A road, called the deaths, full of sorrow
A river, name Lethe, overflow of desolation
1 Modoribashi, carrying Lethe
Bowl Mengpo Tang, you can forget this life, in exchange for the afterlife
A stone, stand banks of Lethe, it is called three times
A well, indicate the afterlife
A familiar figure, happy to jump
A face, next life, for King Allure
Those who loved the people, who can not let go of things, those disputes will be in Red Dust hands with her, "Meng Potang" Ru Hou, always walking in the Modoribashi on coagulation in that hesitant, filling with tears of sadness Looking back, overtaken by clouds, gone with the wind.
Which broke? Sleeve or brandished a knife and cut the absolute decision?
Everything is not important, because one by one forget, forget all the various ......
Flowers Yefei Yang, scattered everywhere, no direction.
However, the erhu repeatedly, What you hear? Beijing Olympic Games cheers of joy, access tracks sharp whistle .....
Erhu sound of, you hear? The whole nation has been vigorous voice sounded splendid under the stars ... ...
Listen to the beautiful sound of erhu, erhu you think of a man in the street due to the special instruments, like piano box on Mongolia's Skin to be launched in the mane and the bow, it did not have beautiful architecture and elegant music hall, as long as thought, anywhere it can be sounded, calmly, stretch, free. Even if the Bridge, qin tube, rosin, glide, soft that you do not understand these terms, do not prevent you from listening to the heart as it flowed out of the note fingertips, moist with dew, passing the Shaotou vermouth, across the rolling hills, and the wind, Kusaka, fishes continuously struggled. So, your thoughts also go along with it consciously or unconsciously very far, very far.
Looking back on erhu sound, with a slightly melancholy, you wander in the alleys, forgotten time.
Gradually, the sky had been washed with rain and there were numerous years, who Rouchang 100 Results?
Wind off, curved bridge, road 100 turn.
The way you Zhang looked curiously street courtyard, the rain drenched every corner, such as honey, a few Road breeze through the low wall, hanging flower arbor lentils ground shook slightly; roof, the gluttonous of the cat were open sleepy eyes, tilted his head a small breakdown of rain falling on the roof, drop, two drops, three drops ......
Touching the erhu sound with you, walking around, on the street in front of the window, an old man was sitting alone, table, and sipped tea slowly, listening, memory.
Then south, the young, the spring ......

You play to South

Quiet, really quiet.
Noise cleared, flashy cleared, such as water carries the one night only light the moon and the stars How many pieces, despite surging Red Dust in the inner, silent speechless.
Leaves were gone, and the wind with the windows open, thinking of you, think of your south, I became a floating cloud your window ......
Amidst the memories of the South has always been greedy Huan, deep and shallow, always make me alone drunk. This September in the south is definitely passionate, plain hand brushed, Castle Peak looms, Huan Huan river, every inch of land is overflowing poetic.
See, Time flies, face, turned into a phoenix; Rainy bluestone, Mei Ying Cheng Huang; Phoenix Ensemble, Zhu Fei warm transparent.
Phoenix double dance, was originally painted blue and white porcelain on the illusion, and you, the eternal stranger, no matter regardless, carry a sleeve south of the misty rain, still relaxed and content, dance to me, eyebrows Dan Xiao, calm state of mind, actually angered a Cry of the wind over the low wall thread, once again hold out swinging lamp, actually from Sparse Nongzi.
With a kind of feeling of surprise song flows into the sky, a thorough heart.
Eternal stranger, you came to my side to play South, sitting right next to me, when my body shaking, when my eyes droop when the moonlight through the leaves strive to kiss me in the dress, clouds quietly as Stars cage on the veil.
My heart, like a dash of musk deer, because of their aroma and crazy, lost in the forest shadows.
This is the night of September next month, the wind from the south wind. Air was hazy with the sweet osmanthus, my flute forgotten in the earth, and you have not compiled the hands of the wreath good.
Some smile, some slight, shy, and some sweet useless struggle ......
We do not depart from all the wrong words into the ever silent, not to empty their hands out for than hope for the future.
Love between you and me, just Cantabile.
Hokyo open Lian, the distance from the sound of silk. Light Show picture of you, ink migration, between shades of clear possession of full feel nostalgic.
Moonlight, the sigh down, whose heart pain?
You smile, and then magic of a, summoned the tenderness of the water gently walk through the strings, birds Lueqi term water mark line.
Looking at you, I like black hair in full bloom twilight, gleaming soft and delicate luster, but not the sorrow.
Legend meteorite rolled the sea tide vacated.
Legend crescent cut wheat field, cloud of cigarette smoke.
And you pass through the place, affection rolling, the wind of roses bloom into everywhere, gently swagger in the uptrend in happiness, like my mildly bright mind.
Heart flower swaying the United States, thus, to the extreme.
Millennium's White Snake, in the misty rain in sight of the Broken Bridge on the engine a 80 bone black bamboo umbrella of youth, of a sudden, thousands of years Daoxing and once cleared, will be lost after the pull off demons, but more people were Chi Chan .
Eternal stranger, you're not on that bridge, within walking distance from the boy, but why insist on the south send me ink, the feel nostalgic for my life, so that smoke from the next down the root cause of human, warm and sparse distribution of the taste ?
What is the dark, in urging you? What is disturbing fever surging in your blood, so eventually go away?
I did not use the plea of the arm tied to your feet, if I try to block your way, that's only my singing 罢了; if I tried to keep you, it is nothing but my eyes Bale.
Eternal stranger, to keep you, I am powerless, I have only tears.
Now, where are you? Where children do? Who is strong to take the sky blue?
Night is still a quiet, dark sleeping in the branches, quietly.
I am living in struggling jointing marsh mud, exhausted with all the passion, the more the end, but one city.
I forgot, I always forgot my wings do not fly, forever trapped in this land, facing the south with you, besieged on all sides.
Such as the middle of the river of hibiscus, I saw the years passed, the slow start of history, not only joy, and there are untold Sadness, minor ......
So small and helpless I can only sit here and Looking to the south, the old smile and you have been looking down at me, still serene, amiable.
Clock swing, boat time, what will towards where?
Across the landscape side, we were silent.
I just can not simply shelved their Inner Voices, miss, such as birds leave the nest, in the darkness under my eyes from drifting out again and again.
Met, and this two divergent flowers entangled with each other in the time of the river holding drunk sunset, drifting away, the after, the mountains are bent to.
Love to not love, to finally be scattered together. The vast things, meet, parting, one scene of mutilated. God never let you I have a pair of flying wings, we have learned is to make serious afar?
Landscape across the thousand, pour a glass of wine in the newly sprung in chrysanthemum frame, we and the breeze and drink separately on the road, and meet people who like like to try portrait until pointless.
It is regrettable that the worth of effort, the touch of bright minds, no longer match.
So I became silent again, as if deaf children, abandon the whole world, all the noise shielding can only hear your breath and blood in the hidden voices; can hear the joy and soul of my singing depression; can only hear Our second night in a dream and passion.
Days of repeated overlapping of life like a knife, cut the warm day and night.
Our dream still.
See, the three little knowledge is a misty moonlight in an increasingly tight wind had grown stronger, an eye-catching flowers, braving cold cream, resolutely stuck his head out from the crevice peered inside.
Through the wind, a butterfly, from the misty rain in the south, and flew to its leisurely ......

Carry a dream to fly

Since the beginning of autumn, the night never hot, water is always a good wind, people sleep soundly.
Last night watching the television, everything is all aside, I fell down they sleep.
Trance, a tall giant in between heaven and earth, sky, red hair and staring eyes of two bells, frightened people in the way bolted under the open, screaming, hiding.
Through window glass, I saw the terrible red-giant breathing issue, the Classics Department, the building as toys, in his broken foot.
Looking at the foot of the run as ant-like people, the giant roar, like thunder, shook the building I live crashing sounds, more than 10 crazy rock band came up with the movement is also great, all the rooms of furniture " slightly creak "groaning ......
Giants are still kept roaring, like an angry lion.
A high octave!
Also a high octave!
Wave of noise!
Wave after wave of higher!
Red-giant roar never before continuing spread in the air, the seventh floor of a deaf years of grandfather had suddenly hearing at this moment, pointing out the window screaming, thunder, and thunder it!
All the windows issue "Pingpingpangpang" to sound, followed by the splash of falling to the ground, every kitchen pots and pans have also heard the "pop" sound ......
With fear, an unprecedented symphony resounded through the whole world!
Higher and higher in the giant roar, I suddenly and inexplicably the floating up call, like the wind drifted away from the window ________
I was flying a giant roar!
Hills, rivers, retreated back to shoot straight, his head and send off all the trees, the hurricane is warm help me, let me fly higher and faster.
I think I was a dancing butterfly, perhaps more like an eagle toward an uncertain place quickly flew to the fear that the giant ugly it is far behind them.
I kept flying, the sound of the wind whistling around, I learn, waving his arms like a bird, does so, may command higher the frequency, the faster the speed of flight.
This feeling is so beautiful, I try to twist a leg twist, turn left, turn right, direction change.
The feeling of flying is really his wife too ...... cool!
I did not expect the unexpected giant actually let me fly up, fly also so wonderful!
Would like to thank him, but I dare not look back, lest it catch up to, I will be a tear from heaven to, fall headlong.
When I was sure flying very safe, there is no danger of falling to only look to the leisurely around.
At this point it is night, dark blue canopy, the bright the stars fill the sky, such as salt generally, as a group of naughty children around me all the way after him in with a whale of the moon from the horizon exposed half of a makeup looked strange me that his unwelcome guest.
This time, the mood is in full bloom of the rose, a smile is sweet honey flowing.
From ancient times, flying is a long-standing dream of the people, and can achieve a few more? I, actually was a giant lion roars Zhenfei, Ha _________ original flight is so simple and so magical.
I am like a butterfly just so excited about his breakthrough, getting high, the more over the United States.
Vaguely, I seem to hear someone on the ground shouting: "Look, a good big a kite, like a human kite!"
How are people looking at the sky? Do giant gone? That I will not fall off?
Never has red hair and a giant ah, you must stay on the ground more than a will, a few more to Idiom, let me fly it a wonderful time.
Just when I thought to myself begging in front of the sky began to slightly shiny, a gigantic gray birds suddenly flying head, looked around me, pressing Shining eyes like knives, like whizzing fell on me ________ like I violated its airspace.
It may feel good, I did not mind who ignores only Guainiao Who knows it frequently waved my wings and I like to be desperate.
Sky are not you a man, and quickly for me to open!
Gray Shaniao not understand my language, but never sarcastic eyes I learned more anger, increasingly working like mad to swing wings, loud screaming sound ________ to a terrible, there is a terrible .
Hey, you know how ugly you look, there are a terrible scream? I laugh it out loud and waved his arms wildly.
Gray bird thoroughly angry, and suddenly I came a volley towards the upright posture, desperately waving a pair of huge wings, feathers and even drove a few moments off, beneath the bitter.
I am also anxious. This is how you can delay the moment when birds have to fly my valuable time?
I was repeatedly calling, while directed at the silly bird a face.
Birds have told me this trick off guard, shocked, tumbling from the world stop.
I giggled. The birds have to increase Dainiao really true.
Smile with a smile, took place on a very embarrassing thing ________ After a long flight, I fixed two arms gradually command, and how to do, Do I have to step followed the Siyangbacha of landing in thicket of birds have ground up?
I have a difficult jobs on the show, when several flower clouds Manyou You drifted down to thick, lightweight, one looked like my family generally comfortable bed.
Kazakhstan, taking advantage of the decline in, I was right in the clouds on Xie Hui.
A twisting, I really lay on the clouds. Turn over, roll over, really is Xi service itself.
_________ Now, I, like the Monkey King, also has its own colorful clouds up.
I am so happy, on the straight music, Zuidu rotten almost laughed.
At this time, the sky got brighter, the sun quietly exposed from a distance, rosy face, quietly scare the moon and the stars, let the sun filled the sky.
Clouds around more and more like the Antarctic ice drift on the water, shining in the sun ________ Huang Lvqing violet red orange, the middle of the water drops from the clouds is reflected out of the United States must let me breathe years.
Gradually, the clouds let the sun on water droplets are evaporated, more light, no longer bear my weight. I am tired and hungry, so weak, which was still physically waving his arms ah?
A black eyes, I left the clouds, head down to follow the birds have to go. My sense is the last one: bad, I also became birds have had.
Not sure how long, I heard a piercing sound of the brakes. Then, a very familiar voice said to me: "My god, how do you lay on the road? More dangerous ah? Fortunately I to stop!"
Dim, the long absence of strangers distressed to hold me from the ground up: "In the future to see me, must stop this way, ah, scared me, hey ......"
I did not mean so.
I strongly want to argue, but a moment could not find clues. Just then, a loud noise came, returning to the stranger a shiver, I ground from his hands Shuaixiang.
_________ How this is not carefully?
I was about to complain, suddenly reached a fearful sound in my ear, so scared I opened my eyes to read, lying in his own bed then.
Had a dream.
It is night outside the window, such as ink, lightning delivery folder, precarious ......