
Canadian school children self-confidence(二)

Music class, which the instrument also allows children to play. And, for the good performance of the child, but also to the point of encouragement. These will let the children feel good!

All above activities are your child feel important, respected, there are stronger than others or not the same place, the training course on self-confidence is very good. The school's various performances and activities, such as the most important Christmas performances (primary school Christmas show in Canada), are all students, performers are divided into two days of too many performances; school sports, but for all students to participate Mixed year for the team, all the points race and count only the team's performance, the last representative of every child can get a victory medal. There are no bad students, not only see other people performing students, the children will not feel better than others!

In addition to these schools, classes in various activities, there are two other schools to help children improve self-confidence of the unique skills: Buddy and teaching mixed classes. Buddy, similar to our Chinese people say one of the pair to form a band: a high-grade child to be a low-grade child's Buddy, give help in various aspects, the school has arranged with fixed and Buddy participate in activities, including reading and do crafts. This large children develop self-confidence, responsibility, leadership is very good, children will have to rely on feel, reduced arrives in a new environment of fear.

Mixed class teaching is another way to develop confidence. School, the teacher never said anything to be mixed according to class, many Chinese parents speculation is based on academic performance, but according to my observation, it seems that the child's personality, confidence, leadership and so on, is the main consideration. In second grade, I treasure the class large, some children, including Anne himself, entered the second and third year of mixed classes, some into the first and second year of mixed classes, some are not mixed classes. According to my understanding of these children of their like cheerful self-confidence, like most of the leading children into the mix and high-grade classes; and those are somewhat quiet and shy child, including a large treasure in three years of white friends, into the the first and second grade mixed class. For the third year following a child, one-year-old gap is enormous. The results of this placement, so I have to wonder, to let the child within a more self-confident leadership, led the children to enjoy exercise as the capacity of a qualified team members.

In addition to classroom activities to foster and nurture a child's confidence away, school kids will also organize various forms of marketing activities - of course these are for younger children need parental assistance. I used the Bowen Canada: Parents should volunteer in the schools mentioned, there are a lot of fund-raising activities in schools. Many of them are for kids whereabouts of their relatives, neighbors, etc. to promote their products and vouchers. Before my daughter back to these products, we are to buy their own number, and then cross their daughters to school, to prevent her daughter did not feel like a sell no face. But relatives of the children last year of primary school students here for one year's experience (see primary school students studying in Canada successfully applied experience), so I have a deeper understanding of the matter.

The child is in grade 7, grade of primary. Just before graduation, the class organized a number of outside activities, funds are required, so classmates began to sell chocolate. I think that is us up to ask if run into a few friends is enough, this kind of thing the school has always asked not to be able to sell to strangers, not to knock the other families. Do not eat dinner that night, the boy told me that he brought back five boxes have been sold four boxes of the (left box he has opened himself eaten), I really surprised! Quickly asked him sell it to, and how to sell. He said that is sold to the administrator and the swimming pool downstairs which often meet some foreigners! Had he asked a few foreigners, without exception, to buy, and no change for change's also not! The next day he brought back five boxes, the results in our building has sold. Later, I met a friend bought a white chocolate, and his chat that he himself does not eat chocolate, and other grandchildren to buy a home when they ate them (he retired, has lived alone). He said the children sell, for a reason, buy a box of chocolates for us nothing, but the children's self-confidence and ability with people, a lot of good!

While my daughter to participate in this year's Scout cookies from sales experience, let me have the same feeling after the details of specific processes. These kind of ordinary people, all of the training activities of their children with people the confidence to give a great help.

Halloween, the kids have to fight for sugar is the same reason (see how the Feng Wan Vancouver Halloween's). The number of our Chinese children, most adults are encouraged to start the sound, three steps back timidly to fight, after the success of blooming beautiful smile, and confidence that the final adult that still does not want to go home back? These successful experiences, they unwittingly increase the child's self-confidence.

Schools, parents, social co-operation from all aspects of the child's strengths and to explore the opportunity and affirmative Jiyuzhanshi, create Tiaojian to Haizi become aware of to feel respected, feel Ziji Nenggouzhudao be successful in a number of things Bingju Manzu. The establishment of confidence, not by verbal praise and appreciation, but depends on the personal involvement of children and experience and sense of achievement. This experience is multi-angle, multi-level, rather than just focus on one point up evaluation, and this is the kids can always find a reason for confidence now!

