
CEO faces new challenges in the globalization of the visual

The next 10 years, the climate or the environment, will be the biggest problem facing enterprises. In response, leaders must stand in the correct position - News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch; two trends really affect people's view of global development: economic recovery and climate change - China Mobile chairman Wang.

Five years ago, "sustainability" is just an academic air strong word, today it has become a corporate catchphrase. However, as the "globalization" as the word "sustainability" has not been well understood. CEO who define "sustainability", it is usually vague answer. BP has done many good things, also "low carbon" concept a sponsor, but only in April this year, oil spill, it almost forced a corner.

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Every time reading trade publications, you may find that any position in the emerging markets business will not be finished. As the recommendations aim at successful people, which is obviously wrong.

However, leaders must have global vision, and more to find out the problem. Lead a global organization, requires a lot of travel, many CEO of 40% to 50% of the time spent on the road. General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt and controlled a "swing system", he "swing" to a country, stay there a week, to local customers, top managers and politicians speeches.

"Swing system" gave him the individual countries rather than a single company's perspective, let him understand the challenges of the market to test his vision, let him know how management is effective. General Electric's corporate philosophy is: CEO needs to travel around the world each year, and the people face to face communication, and then use the phone office.

You can not do hands-on, but you have to breathe the fresh air everywhere. This means that you fly to another country, must be effectively investigated, if you learned Mervyn Davies sleep on the plane's course, would be much easier to understand.

To get there, work quick enough. You must ensure that all intellectuals are able to understand from you, so you must be simple to communicate with them directly, you must be a clear demonstration of the roles and responsibilities. To how to motivate employees, build brand, comply with local laws and other details, leaving local leaders it!

With full spirit, the state of alert to enter other countries, just a good start. Got there, it is far from communication, language great benefit to you.哈里特格林 have a lecture in Finland, the official with the local accent about 16 minutes, she believed that the audience more easily understand what she meant.

In addition, CEO should make good use of new technologies and business communication in various sectors. The staff into the business is very important because we are fighting a war for talent. We need the best people in our work, and they can choose to work. I regularly use e-mail, DVD, podcasts, satellite radio, video-conferencing and communicate with our team in the world, inspected once every two years away, and businesses to contact each employee to ensure that important information will not be because of language barriers lost.

Do not think this is just the big courses. British Energy's former CEO Peter Huarui said: "The Board of Directors to implement the remote control - it is actually a virtual board of directors. To globalization, you do not have to run a big company, would top the team dispersed, even small companies can do to work efficiently. "

Enterprises more efficient than government

More than 10 million people worldwide living on less than £ 1 a day, few people know that in this respect can play much role.

The location of multinational companies, more convenient than the Government to take global action. They do not have the so-called national feeling, is not involved in the election frenzy. Salaried employees from the company, we should listen to the words of CEO - some words are not on the public and politicians said.

Castell, chairman of the Wellcome Foundation, stressed: "in resolving some of the issues the world, the company is more efficient than the politicians. Politicians are elected by national vote, the company is interested in the global success. The best CEO who can usually anticipate the company in the next 20 to 30 years, the impact on the world. "

Community Business Association, a British Prince Charles and CEO Stephen Howard-led sustainable development on the business forum, that the innovative capacity of enterprises, will be the key to the pursuit of sustainable development. Enterprises and their leaders in the community play an important role, not the government. Today, enterprises and their leaders have to cross national boundaries, administrative, term, short-attention-grabbing press releases, etc. to think about.

Globalization of business is not a problem, but solutions. The key point of sustainable development, not management, but the innovative capacity of enterprises. Entrepreneurship to solve the personnel problems and other difficulties the key. Many veterans agree with this view. Companies increasingly important role, because it is easier than politicians across national boundaries. Therefore, it is more need for the sustainable development strategy.

Companies are not all the problems the world is responsible for, nor the resources to solve all problems. But every company can determine the range of its especially good at solving social problems, and competing interests from the largest available. Through the creation of common values, to deal with social problems, will bring not rely on private or government-subsidized self-sustaining solutions. When a well-functioning enterprise will be its considerable resources, expertise and management personnel, for which the familiar and closely related issues, its social impact will be far more than others.

Sustainable Development and Resistance

Retail, energy companies and the aviation industry to prove these three battleground for many companies, corporate environmental management has been the development of solidarity and enterprise, is one of the main contents of business competition. Engineering consultant Arup (Arup) the sustainable management consultant Zhu Xixielifu Kandao, corporate environmental management has led to major corporations in the Zhong Shi, he believes, businesses reduce the carbon emissions of Nu Li Liang, is Xunsu improve the overall standard Shehui. As the retail industry, energy companies and the aviation industry is currently subject to frequent Guanzhu the Xingye environmentalists, 降低 carbon emissions levels will be very rapid Di as a transportation and information technology industries Zhuyao problem.

"Sustainable development has become a core business," Ami Branch Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. CEO 萨米尔布里科 said: "You have no choice, either like it or not. Sustainable development is the way to save the world - - unless the man to move to another planet. We must go out of the company, to society, to solve environmental problems. we who had to feel that they have unlimited resources to be seized. However, we found the last 20 years, environmental protection is not only a on the goodwill of mankind, but also the needs of human survival. "

In 1987 the United Nations Brundtland Commission report: "Sustainable means that not only satisfy current needs, without prejudice to the future, a number of generations to meet their needs." Today, the scientific evidence on climate change, has been widely accepted, it's fear has been breeding in the minds of consumers, based on this foundation, sustainability mainly by climate change to the decision. For some enterprises, particularly enterprises operating in developing countries, how to ensure long-term management qualification is the real cause for concern.

Energy companies on the sustainable development is highly sensitive, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker disaster, leading to 11 million gallons of oil leaked into the world's best natural scenery to protect one of the areas - Alaska. The accident is also notorious for the oil companies.

In pollution control, investment solar, wind, hydrogen and natural gas, BP is indeed a pioneer. The company develops bio-fuels, cleaner gasoline and lubricants, to reduce traffic impact on the environment. BP will set the basic principles of sustainable development, created two structures: one for the traditional growth and one for alternative energy sources. "If we have one less dependent on oil, sustainable development of the planet, countries could achieve sustainable equilibrium." Said the company's CEO.

However, BP has now become a sinner. British Petroleum senior staff, June 16 to the White House, and by the President on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, to start the first time face to face talks. Both sides confirmed that the British Petroleum agreed to invest 20 billion U.S. dollars set up a "third-party compensation to account." Obama said, "British Petroleum agreed to compensate the loss of Gulf Coast residents in the neighborhood, but not the final amount of 20 billion U.S. dollars."

U.S. Gulf of Mexico crude oil spill on June 23 this year, deteriorated again: the original point of the water used to control the leakage due to failure of the dismantled equipment to repair, rolling oil was partially suppressed in a few weeks later, again poured forth , continue to pollute waters of the Gulf of Mexico large. Oil spill, the British oil price continued to fall sharply, hit its lowest level since 1997, June 10, the standard will cut its stock rating to hold, sources said BP's North American operations are filing for bankruptcy protection to avoid the April 20 oil spill caused by large claims.

