
Ten HR theory of lifelong

Ten HR theory of lifelong

1, Peter Principle
Each organization is different from the variety of positions, arranged by class or classes, each person belonging to one of these levels. Peter Principle is the American scholar Lawrence • Peter in the organization for promotion of related phenomena research, draw a conclusion: in a variety of organizations, employees always tend to be promoted to the status of their incompetence. Peter Principle is sometimes called the principle of the climb. This phenomenon is everywhere in real life: a competent, after a professor was promoted to university president, but not competent; a good athlete was promoted to director of sports officials, and doing nothing. An organization, once a considerable part of staff was pushed to the level of their incompetence, it will cause organizations overstaffed, inefficient, resulting in mediocre person to succeed in stagnation. Therefore, it requires a simple change in the basis of contribution to the employees taken a position that the promotion system and can not because someone in a very good job on the dry, this person will be able to infer higher-level job competence. To an employee promoted to a position can not play well, not only is not on my award, but it can not play very well, but also cause losses to the enterprise.

2, wine and water laws
Wine and water law is a key to a wine into a bucket of water, get a bucket of water; if a spoonful of sewage down the barrel of wine, or get a bucket of water. In any organization, there are several hard to get almost all of the characters, the purpose of their existence seems to get things wrong. Worst of all, they like fruit box of rotten apples, if not in time, it will quickly spread to other fruit box get rotten apples. Rotten apple's scariest aspect is that it was amazing destructive power. An honest and competent people into a chaotic department may be swallowed, but not before a non-German who can soon turn into a mess of a highly efficient department. Organizational systems are often fragile, is built on mutual understanding, compromise and tolerance based on, are easily violated, was poisoned. Another important destroyer of the extraordinary ability to reason is easier to destroy than to build. A skilled craftsman to spend time carefully crafted ceramics, a donkey out of a second can be destroyed. If an organization has such a donkey, even with more of the skilled craftsman, not how many decent work outcomes. If your organization has such a donkey, you should immediately get rid of it, if you are unable to do so, then it should be tied up.

3, barrel Law
Law is about a bucket a bucket can hold much water, it all depends on the shortest piece of wood it is. This means that any organization, could face a common problem, that constitute the organization is often the pros and cons of the various parts missing, but the decision is often inferior part of the whole organization level. Law and wine and water buckets of different laws, which discussed the organization of the destructive force, the shortest of the board is a useful part of the organization, but worse than other parts, you can not throw them as a rotten apple out. Strength is only relative, not eliminate, the problem is that you tolerate this kind of vulnerability to what extent, if serious enough to hinder the work of the bottleneck, you have to have action.

4, Matthew
"New Testament • Gospel of Matthew" in such a story: a long journey before the king, to the three servants, each one silver, and commanded Road: you do business, so I come back, come see me. King came back, the first servant said: master, you give me a silver, I have earned a 10. So, the king rewards him 10 cities. The second servant Report: master, you gave me a silver, I have earned a 5. So, the king rewards him five cities. The third servant reported that: the owner, you gave me a silver, I have been wrapped in hand-Parry, afraid of losing, has not been out. So the king ordered the servant of a third silver and rewarded the first servant, said: all small, even he has will be taken from him. Any more, even to him, called him the more the better, this is Matthew, the reaction of today's society, there is a common phenomenon, that winner takes all. On business development is concerned, Matthew tells us, in order to maintain the edge in one area, we must rapidly expand in this area. When you become a leader in the field, even when the same return on investment, you can more easily get more than their counterparts in small gains. But if there is no strength quickly in a big field, we must constantly look for new development areas in order to guarantee access to a better return.

5, zero-sum game theory
Zero-sum game is a game, the player wins or loses, the winning party is the party that lost the game's total score is always zero, zero-sum game principle reason for broad interest, mainly because people all aspects of society can be found with the zero-sum game similar situation, the glorious victor is often hidden behind the bitterness and the bitterness of failure. 20th century, mankind experienced two world wars, economic growth, technological progress, globalization and the growing environmental pollution, zero-sum game ideas are gradually being replaced by a win-win concept. People began to realize that Lee has not necessarily to establish the basis of the loss of people. Through effective cooperation happy ending is possible. But zero-sum game to win, asked to have all the spirit of sincere cooperation and courage, not to cooperate in the small smart, do not always want to account for other people's cheap, it is necessary to comply with rules of the game, or win-win situation can not occur, the final the expense of their own or partner.

6, Washington, co-laws
Washington law, said cooperation is a person through the motions, two people passing the buck, three people were never brought to fruition the day. Somewhat similar to the story of our three boys. Cooperation between people, not the simple sum of human, but much more complex and subtle. In this cooperation, the capacity of each individual are assumed to 1, then the results are sometimes 10 people in co-operation is much greater than 10, sometimes even much smaller than 1. Because people are not static objects, but rather the direction of different energy, promote each other, naturally more with less, contradict each other, then nothing. Our traditional management theory of collaborative research was not much, is reflected in the most intuitive, most of the current management system and behavior has been dedicated to Jianshao the unnecessary consumption of human rather than using Zuzhi enhancing human performance. In other words, we might say that the main purpose of the management not to make everyone better, but to avoid excessive internal friction.

7, watches Theorem
Watch Theorem is a man with one watch, you can know it is a few minutes, when he has two tables, but can not be determined. Two watches can not tell a person a more accurate time, but watch people make losing the confidence of accurate time. Watch Theorem corporate management, Ji inspired us a very intuitive, Jiu Shi pairs with the same person or an organization's management, Bu Neng while using two different methods, not both 设置 two different objectives, even Meiyigeren can not command the same time by two people, otherwise make a loss this business or this person. Theorem watch another layer of meaning within the meaning is that each one can also choose between two different values, otherwise, your behavior will be chaos.

8, not worth the Law
Law is not worth the most intuitive interpretation is: not worth doing things, not worth doing. The Law could not be easier, but often overlooked the importance of forgetting. Not worth the laws reflect the people of a psychological, a person engaged in a self that is not worth doing, tend to remain cynical, perfunctory manner, not only the low success rate, and even if successful, do not feel much sense of accomplishment. Therefore, individuals should be in a variety of alternative goals and values, select one, and then struggled. Choose your love, love your choice, it might inspire us to fight, you can also peace of mind. While on a business or organization, they have a good personality characteristics of employees, a reasonable distribution of work, such as a strong desire for achievement of the staff individually or lead to complete with some risk and difficulty of the work, and in its completion, giving timely recognition and praise; for dependent workers want a stronger, more participation to a group * with the work; so strong workers for power as an ability to adapt with the competent. At the same time to strengthen the staff of the business goals of the identity, so that employees feel their work is worth it, so as to arouse the enthusiasm of employees.

9, mushroom management
Mushroom management is the treatment of many organizations were a fledgling management, beginners are placed in a dark corner (not taken seriously in the department, or working odd jobs to run errands), doused with a dung (unwarranted criticism, blame, vicarious expiation ), left to its own devices (without the necessary guidance and guide and support). I believe many people have had such a mushroom experience, this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when everything just started, when the days of mushroom, can eliminate many of our illusion, and make us closer to the reality, more practical problems. An organization, generally for new staff are treated equally, from starting to work there will be no big difference. No matter how good your talent, in just the beginning, can only start from the most simple things, mushroom experience, for growth of young people, like a cocoon, is the emergence Qian to experience the step. So, how to efficiently get through this period of life, learn from the experience as much as possible, mature, and establish a good image of trusted individuals is for each newly recruited young people must face the social issues.

10, Occam's razor Law
12th century, the United Kingdom William of Ockham advocated nominalism, only acknowledge the existence of things, that the universality of those empty concept is useless burden, should be ruthlessly shave. He advocated if not necessary, do not by entities. It is often said that Occam's razor. This is the razor had so many people feel threatened, is considered heresy, William I have so persecuted. However, no damage to the knife's sharp, on the contrary, after several hundred years, history of Occam's razor has been worn more and more rapidly, and has already overloaded the original narrow field, but has a wide, rich and profound meaning .
Occam's razor Law in the evolution of business management can be further complicated for the simple and the law: to complicate simple things, simple things become very complicated. The law of demand, we deal with matters, to grasp the main essence of things, grasp the mainstream to address the fundamental problem, especially with the natural, not artificially complicate things, in order to pull things together.

